A time capsule of somewhat narcissistic sheltered navel-gazing, preserved for embarrassing posterity.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008


*Updated 3/25/09 to redact my rashness.

It should be pretty darn clear by now that my poor little blog is going to suffer from my jaunt through law school. I make no apologies or excuses...whatever. It's reality. What I've found is interesting, though, is that the longer I go without a post, the more pressure I feel to make sure my first post back is really good, impactful, insightful, etc. Which of course I'm not going to live up to because these days that would mean that pretty much every post needs to be really impressive, because every post seems to be ending a gap of silence. So the self-induced pressure for a really great post builds up, which actually extends the gap of silence because I'm hesitant to just jot down a note during a spare couple of minutes.

So right now I'm sitting in Torts and in a rare event we aren't going over new material, but doing a review exercise matching fact patterns. So my mind is wandering, so I thought I'd take this time to write this post in Text Edit, to be posted later, and give you a spectacularly unimpressive post about posting to break this silence. And then see how many times I could put the word "post" in one sentence. I hope you enjoyed this small insight into the hallowed halls of UCLA School of Law.

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