A time capsule of somewhat narcissistic sheltered navel-gazing, preserved for embarrassing posterity.

Sunday, September 14, 2008


Ah yes...with everything else that has changed over the last few months, it's nice to have good old sports. Fall = Football. Football! I can't say that it's exactly the same, because it's a little wrong when Sunday Night Football starts at 5:00. But still, ahh...the weekend rolls around and it's good old four downs, 100 yards, kickoffs, field goals and yelling at the refs.

The Steelers were on Sunday Evening Football this weekend which meant national TV, even out here in LaLa Land. Football in rotten weather, wind and rain swirling around. Just a little piece of home coming through the boob tube.

Watching the Steelers beat the Browns....ah, some things really do never change.

Just wait and see how happy I am when hockey season rolls around!


Anonymous said...

And some things, like the Steelers beating the Browns, never should!

malcontent said...

Ah, to watch a game where the remnants of Hurricane Ike don't take out your power as fast as Willie Parker gets the first down!