A time capsule of somewhat narcissistic sheltered navel-gazing, preserved for embarrassing posterity.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Only in LA (Well, Maybe NY)

There's a little café/sandwich shop on the first floor of the building where I'm working for my summer internship. The woman who runs it is very friendly, and we'll often chat when I stop in to pick something up. Aside from the shop, she also does personal catering for people, making food for them to have for daily living (as opposed to food for an event).

I stopped in today because I saw that she had chili, and I'm a sucker for good chili. I noticed on the counter that she had a little trophy that said, "[some school] Elementary School Chili Cook-off Champion," and asked if this was the award-winning chili. She laughed, and told me that yes, this was the award-winning chili. And the reason she has the trophy is that one of her clients paid her to make chili for their kid's school chili contest.

Yes, that's right - professional caterer for the kid's chili contest.

Her thoughts on the matter, "At least they were big enough to let me know that it won, and let me have the trophy."