A time capsule of somewhat narcissistic sheltered navel-gazing, preserved for embarrassing posterity.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Now That's Service!

Apparently sensing my frustration with having to use a Windows machine, however briefly, Apple put the pedal to the medal and got my computer done lickity split. So today I took an unexpected yet happy bus detour home to pick up my newly restored machine.

I just thought you should all know. I know you were probably all very concerned.

Now I must get back to reading. With all the election stuff going on, I need to take the study time where I can get it. Oh, and in case you haven't had it yet today, here's your daily dose of No on 8, with a nod to LesbianDad and Looky, Daddy!:

Now is the time to donate. Let your support be known.

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