A time capsule of somewhat narcissistic sheltered navel-gazing, preserved for embarrassing posterity.

Monday, October 20, 2008


For the last week or so, my computer has gotten very cranky, stubbornly refusing to admit that it has a keyboard and track pad, like a tempestuous four year old. The stubborn refusal part, not the keyboard and track pad part. So, I've had the joy of lugging around a separate USB mouse and keyboard for the last week in order to use it. Needless to say, the keyboard doesn't mesh too gracefully in the bag with all the big heavy law books.

After some back and forth, I have reached a magical confluence of events by which 1) the required new parts are at the repair store, 2) I am in an immediately-post-paper lull (just turned in a paper this morning), so this is not a horrendous time for me to be without my computer, 3) I have time tonight to detour on the way home to the Apple store to drop it off for repairs, and 4) I have a magical appointment with Apple for the 30 seconds it will take for me to say, "Here's my computer."

UCLA has a fantastically helpful IT department, so tomorrow morning, armed with a copy of the repair order showing that my laptop is undergoing surgery, they will loan me a temporary machine to use until I get mine back. The challenge is this: from 8:00 or so this evening until some time tomorrow morning, I will be sans computer. Unplugged.

Can I do it?

Will I make it?

Twelve hours with no email? No New York Times (oh wait...that comes in that paper stuff, doesn't it)? No WashBlade? No other-people's-blogs? No streaming radio?

Considering that for the last week I have loathed dealing with the external crap and have avoided using my laptop unless forced, it probably won't be a stretch. But it's funny to make fun of my internet dependence anyhow.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good luck.

I hope u has it.