A time capsule of somewhat narcissistic sheltered navel-gazing, preserved for embarrassing posterity.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008


I feel a little dirty, but I've officially decided to become an all-out No on Prop 8 beggar.

Here's the deal. Thanks to the California Supreme Court, same sex couples have marriage equality in California. The court ruling was based on the premise that discrimination based on sexual orientation violates the state constitution, so anti-gay-rights folk have a proposition on the ballot in November which would ban gay marriage at the constitutional level in California.

I have been volunteering with No on Prop 8, the Equality for All Campaign, to defeat this proposed amendment and keep our equal civil rights. This election will impact the momentum of the GLBTQ rights movement across the country, not just here in California. Both sides know this, and as a result, both sides are organizing and fundraising nationwide. The bummer is that so far, they are winning.

If you were not among the lucky few to get my shameless email asking for money, consider that oversight remedied here: Please donate. See my little thermometer thing on the left side of my blog? Click on it! $5...$10....$30....whatever you can give.

If you know people in California, TALK TO THEM. If they are uncertain, point them to me or to No on Prop 8 for more information. If they are supportive of equal rights, please urge them to not be complacent. All indications are that this will be a close election, and we don't want to lose because supporters thought it would be a shoe-in and didn't go vote.

If this post sounds urgent and babbly, it's because that's about how I'm feelin' right about now. I spent all my organized communication abilities on my last school memo.

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