A time capsule of somewhat narcissistic sheltered navel-gazing, preserved for embarrassing posterity.

Saturday, July 7, 2007

Hey thanks, Kev

Bob Smizik had a very thoughtful column in the PG today, it was a good reminder that few things are black and white and few people really are the devil incarnate. The Nuttings still might prove to be the devil incarnate, but Kevin McClatchy, not so much.

Granted, I'm somewhat easy to sway with appeals to sports sentimentality, as one of the few who refuse to boo Jagr when he comes to town. Sorry, but you have to take the sum total of a guy, not just the last two years when he was a whiny crybaby.

Barry Bonds, on the other hand, has never been anything but a prick. Which is really why everyone hates him, not the steroids. Sure we ridicule other guys like McGwire and Giambi, but we don't hate them. Bonds = Prick = Hate.

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