A time capsule of somewhat narcissistic sheltered navel-gazing, preserved for embarrassing posterity.

Wednesday, July 4, 2007

Happy 4th!

I love the Fourth. Ever since I was a kid and we would spend the whole day at the lake swimming, cooking out, getting massively sunburned; I love it.

Didn't do much of that sort of thing today, but I got a fireworks show this evening courtesy of the entire Pittsburgh metro area. Sitting on the balcony of our apartment, I could see any and all fireworks going off anywhere north of the parkway. Much better than fighting your way through crowds somewhere and only getting to see one display. The downtown display was blocked by the buildings, which unfortunately blocked a lot of the show, but there was a great effect of all the buildings being outlined by fireworks. Probably the neatest was seeing not just the "official' displays, but all the individual people who got their hands on rockets and set them off in the neighborhoods below us.

My only regret was that no one else was there to see the coolness with me.

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