A time capsule of somewhat narcissistic sheltered navel-gazing, preserved for embarrassing posterity.

Sunday, July 8, 2007

Camping in

I camped at the new apartment last night--first night there! Camping, you say? Yeah! Think about it...I don't have much there, so it was pretty much indoor camping. Sleeping bag and pillow, a little light and a book (not quite a flashlight and book, but close). No TV or internet. No furniture. Whatever clothes I remembered to stuff in a bag. Limited uninvolved food and beverage options. Bathing with the typical travel shower kit.


The only thing that was missing was a fire and s'mores. I thought my neighbors might frown on me starting a fire in the building my first night there. I do love s'mores though....mmmmmm....

But I felt like an asshole staying there while Tiki and Whiskey were at the old place. I felt like I abandoned them a bit.

So, cross your fingers--the carpet is supposed to go in tomorrow (Monday), and it better happen because I'm scheduled to haul some furniture Tuesday.

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