A time capsule of somewhat narcissistic sheltered navel-gazing, preserved for embarrassing posterity.

Sunday, March 2, 2008

Thank You for a Small Consideration

Except for spam, it's not often that we are grateful that we didn't get an email; it's even less often that we are touched. But that's where I found myself yesterday.

There are a few people that I get forwarded emails from. Some, like friendship and joke ones, I scan through and scoot to the trash folder, or if it's particularly striking I might hang onto it. Others I tend to not even scan. I got an email from MT's mom, and happened to notice that MT's mom had gotten it from her. The original email from MT had all the usual suspects in the address list, but not me.

Now, MT is usually one of the email forwarders; I've gotten some pretty great stuff from her. MT is also one of the people I've talked to a bit about my growing exploration of my gender identity (or lack thereof). The thing is that this particular email was a "yay sisterhood" type deal, instructing the recipient to pass it along to "10 pretty ladies on your friends list and let them know they are pretty." So, her not including me on that was a subtle but pretty significant acknowledgment of what I've told her about my thoughts of gender so far.

As I'm going through this process of figuring myself out, it's little things like that which really help validate and support my developing thoughts. Small details that many people don't even realize exist can mean so much.

So, thanks.


Anonymous said...

"This above all: to thine own self be true, And it must follow, as the night the day, Thou canst not then be false to any [hu]man." --good 'ole gendered-languaged Hamlet

Cheri, I read your post and it occurred to me that I have thought this many times but maybe never told you:

You are the perfect you. You always have been, and that will never change. We all know you'll stand for what is right, even if right is shifting under your feet. Right won't escape you, even as it shifts and evolves as you age and gain new experience and perspectives. You'll know right when you see it. And will fight for it. That is why I trust you, and love you, and admire you. You are a True friend and a True human. To hell with gender--I don't need it to see who you are.

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry you are having a crisis. I was unaware. I agree with the other commenter, you are awesome. Whoever you are, whoever you want to be, you kick ass.

I'm not sure how or why gender matters, but I'm not in the same spot as you are. I just figure when you wake up in the morning, you are who you are inside out.

I'm sure that doesn't make sense to anyone but me, but all I know is Cheri is great.

Anonymous said...

Yep, Whoever, Whenever, Whatever. I still love ya'.

Anonymous said...

:) The other comments are inspiring me to say something long-winded and deep about the matter. However, last minute preparation needs to be finished so I can be sitting next to you in the 28x in less than an hour. So I'll say simply that you're the best xylophone that a xylophone could possibly hope for.