A time capsule of somewhat narcissistic sheltered navel-gazing, preserved for embarrassing posterity.

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

America's Next Top Role Model

I was at the gym yesterday, and had to grimace at the fact that the TV above the cardio machines was set to a marathon of America's Next Top Model. That's really just evil.

I'm not much of a reality show junkie, so this was the first time I'd actually watched this show. I had forgotten to bring anything to read, so I was held captive as I pedaled. Frankly, I was appalled. The episodes I saw focused a lot on one particular contestant who was derided as being overweight. Seriously? She was one of the last five or six contestants, and was skinnier than the vast majority of people I've met in my life. But the message that was slammed home throughout the hour was that she was just too fat.

I, and a lot of the people I know, are wise enough to see the ridiculousness and not take it to heart; but there are thousands of women and kids who aren't that savvy. They're seeing this woman who is skinnier than most of them will ever be, and being told that she is still too big! How are they supposed to live up to that? They're seeing her being treated as a friend by the other contestants, being supported and encouraged, then seeing these same friends mock and deride her behind her back as being heavy. What is that supposed to make them think about their own lives, their own friends, or how they should treat their friends?

Completely disgusting.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm happy to see at least some updates so I can keep up with you...but you know what I'd really like an update on!