A time capsule of somewhat narcissistic sheltered navel-gazing, preserved for embarrassing posterity.

Friday, March 28, 2008

Things I Learned/Remembered Today

- When driving an automatic, you don't have to push a clutch to start it or put it in neutral to keep it from stalling.
- Driving an automatic is boring.
- People who drive automatic forget about parking brakes and don't remember that they're really good for your transmission.
- Sometimes you just need to tell someone to fuck off rather than let frustration gunk up your inner juju.
- Philadelphia has WaWa.
- Philadelphia has useful highways that remind me of Jersey (sometimes I do actually miss the Garden State Parkway).
- Some people play hockey on teams that are actually...y'know...teams!
- You can still have a shit ton of fun playing a game that you lose. (Well, actually I always knew that, I just wanted to mention it because it's fun.)
- I can't wait to go play in Chicago with MG! And in Cinci with [insert team here], hanging out with my buds!
- However old I feel, my knees feel older. (No wait...just one more season then I'll go get them looked at...I swear!)

Nighty night, y'all.


Anonymous said...

I can't wait either!

I'm glad you had some good times out east. I await your many sotries, etiher through blogging or in Chicago.

Rest those knees!

Anonymous said...

WAWA! I hope you had a lemonade for me. Or at least poured it on the groud, fo'ty-style. ;)

Ice ice and more ice on the knees! Not to mention wrapping them.

You're making me miss my time in Philly and my visits to Jersey!