A time capsule of somewhat narcissistic sheltered navel-gazing, preserved for embarrassing posterity.

Sunday, January 27, 2008

Good Morning

It's about 11:00 on Sunday morning, I'm on the couch working on my last few law school applications. It's been snowing outside since I got up, making for a beautiful winter neighborhood scene outside my balcony window. Even though I'm not outside in it, I can feel the world being peacefully muffled by the white blanket. LT and Whiskey are sleeping in the bedroom, Tiki is on my lap, simultaneously cuddling and playing with my hoodie drawstrings in that way that only Tiki can, making it fairly difficult to type.

My little world is peaceful, the future is hopeful, and it's a good morning.


Anonymous said...

and here's wishes for a good, restful, healthful night.

Anonymous said...

These types of morning are wonderful. More people need to experience this calm contentment and peacefulness.

Anonymous said...

Can you let me know when you start getting your acceptance letters? That is always the most fun!

Anonymous said...

Ok, It's time you rolled out a new blog. What's up with the applications? Hear anything?

Anonymous said...

Yeah, really. What Marianne said...

Anonymous said...

It's been another few days so I'm backing up suntanmidori and rolling with another request to post a new blog. COME ON ALREADY!