Here are two stories to help folks understand why defeating Prop 8 is so important. Are these stories blatant guerrilla heart-tugging techniques? Yes. But that doesn't change the fact that they are also REAL.
The story of Janice Langbehn and Lisa Marie Strong. In February, 2007, Janice and three of the couple's children were denied hospital visitation rights and medical power of attorney as Lisa lay dying of a brain aneurysm in a hospital in Florida, having collapsed from a stroke during a family vacation over 3,000 miles from their home in the northwest. Despite having all required legal documents faxed to the hospital, over the course of eight hours Janice was allowed to see Lisa for only five minutes, and that thanks to the kindness of a priest who let her be present for last rites. The children were never permitted to see her, even though they were all her legally adopted kids. Lisa died alone in the hospital room, while her family sat in the waiting room.
The story of Charlene Strong and Kate Fleming. In December, 2006, Charlene was initially denied hospital visitation rights and was later denied the right to make funeral arrangements when Kate drowned in a flash flood in the basement of their home in Seattle. The hospital only permitted Charlene to see Kate after contacting Kate's sister in Virginia. The funeral director would not even look at Charlene, let alone listen to her instructions as to Kate's wishes. Charlene later testified to the Washington state legislature about their story, which was considering a bill to provide some limited rights to same-sex couples; members of the legislature credited her testimony as the turning point in their decision to vote for the bill.
Lastly, not wanting to leave you on a totally negative note, here's an awesome video. It's not every day you get to see a straight Republican politician break down in tears as he explains why he has changed his previous stance and decided to back gay marriage. Here's your chance, with San Diego mayor Jerry Sanders.
Note: This was from about a year ago, and Mayor Sanders has been RE-elected since taking this stand.
See that thermometer? It's not to late to donate and help!
A time capsule of somewhat narcissistic sheltered navel-gazing, preserved for embarrassing posterity.
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Yes, but we got Connecticut at least!!
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