A time capsule of somewhat narcissistic sheltered navel-gazing, preserved for embarrassing posterity.

Friday, January 11, 2008

Yay Nerds!

The webcomic xkcd, which I've referenced a number of times, pulled off quite the feat today, I think. Today's cartoon managed to successfully impact the Google trend tracker, single-handedly sending "Died in a blogging accident" to at least as high as #6 on the list of trends. Probably higher, actually, as the picture in that link says it reached its peak some 7 hours before the screenshot was taken.

Not bad for a bunch of nerds!


Anonymous said...

OK, on the topic of web comics, I've got to give a plug to my favorite:


I've been reading it every day for about 2 years and I will keep reading as long as Doug Savage keeps tooning.

Yay, chickens!!!

CT said...

Word! One of my coworkers pointed me to Savage Chickens a number of months ago--it's been on my daily list since then.

Another one I'll plug is Two Lumps - www.twolumps.net. It will quickly become a favorite for anyone who has much experience with cats.