A time capsule of somewhat narcissistic sheltered navel-gazing, preserved for embarrassing posterity.

Monday, December 3, 2007

Is Three Times a Charm?

Plant attempt #1 didn't have a name or a chance.  I'm not even really sure what kind of plant it was...whatever it was, it's fate was brutal and short.  It was a housewarming present, alas it did not find my house to be warm.

Plant attempt #2, Spike, was an ornamental pepper.  Spike was gone within a month or so, I think.  I made a last ditch attempt to save hyr by shipping hyr off to LT's apartment where ze might be able to get more sun, but alas it was no use.  LT does insist that the blame is partly hers, as Spike was transported to my apartment in her backpack.  But I think that's kind of like a dockworker taking credit for deaths on the Titanic because he broke a lifeboat oar.  There were just too many things fate had in store for that to make a difference.

So now I've moved down a level in the plant-care ladder to bamboo.  The Twins, Thing 1 and Thing 2, share a little decorative mug on my window sill...LT claims that they are virtually impossible to kill, to which I say, "Sounds like a challenge to me."

Augh!  That damn JB Robinson commercial is on again!


Anonymous said...

I've had many a bamboo die. Spider plants seem to be much hardier. Of course, there's always the ever remedial air fern.

L said...


there is hope

CT said...

I'm not dead, I'm just dormant...?? I suppose we'll find out!

Anonymous said...

ozone angola htmlhttp analysed afflicted jointly mirza responds kanpani benin udomhead
lolikneri havaqatsu