A time capsule of somewhat narcissistic sheltered navel-gazing, preserved for embarrassing posterity.

Monday, August 13, 2007

Why the Harris and Not a Stupid McDonalds?

Downright shitty news that the Harris Grill in Shadyside burned down this weekend. I was only just introduced to it in its current incarnation a few months ago, but it was a fantastic place. Well, full disclosure: it turned out I'd been there once years before when I first came to Pittsburgh but I don't really count that because it was the previous ownership and I was so new in town I had no idea where the people I'd gone with led me...case in point I got properly and thoroughly lost when I tried to leave. I didn't even remember that I'd been there--I didn't realize it when the plans were made, but as soon as I saw that porch I remembered it instantly.

Mmm--that porch. I don't think I ever actually went inside, because the porch was (is) so great I never got past it to the door. Maybe when I was first there (again) and wasn't sure whether you had to check inside for porch seating.

Anyhow, their food was (is) awesome and the atmosphere was (is) fantastic.

And in case you can't tell, I have stubbornly decided to believe that they will rebuild and be back. I think one article said a co-owner has already vowed to rebuild. I just hope they remember to bring the calamari appetizer back with them. And the Garden Weasel. And the Henny Penny. And the Polish Church Basement Pierogies. And the Salmon Rushdie's Return. And the spanikopita. And the...OK, I have to stop now.

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