A time capsule of somewhat narcissistic sheltered navel-gazing, preserved for embarrassing posterity.

Monday, June 25, 2007

Kids are awesome

I was at my parents' house yesterday to celebrate the 17th birthday of one of my nephews. (I have a nephew who is 17? Scary. Oh wait...I also have one who's almost 19 and one who's 20...) Getting to see my sister's kids is always a huge joy. My sister and the oldest three lived in my parents' house a lot when I was in middle and high school, so in a big way they are like my own kids. There's just something about the way kids are genuinely happy to see someone they love that always makes my day. There's none of the adult bull that you acquire as time goes by...they know they are happy to see you, and they let you know it, and to hell with whatever else. The simplicity is refreshing and just plain awesome.

When I was there, two of the girls were using my sister's cell phone and asked what my number was. I gave it to them, not thinking much of it. Later on driving home, I was feeling a little bit blue, when out of nowhere I got a text message from a number I didn't recognize. It turned out to be the oldest of that clan, the soon-to-be-19-year-old, who has been in Georgia with his dad for over a year. His sisters had passed along my number and he just wanted to say hi. Leave it to kids to be so thoughtful without any thought.

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