A time capsule of somewhat narcissistic sheltered navel-gazing, preserved for embarrassing posterity.

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Bring on the elements

I'm moving in two weeks to Regent Square, and have set myself the goal of barely using my car unless I really really really really really have to. I'll be about two miles from work, and between the Square, Point Breeze and Squirrel Hill, I'll be near all kinds of stores, restaurants etc., not to mention I'll have Frick and Schenley to go play in. I am excited to maintain as much of a car-free existence as possible--I've wanted this for YEARS. All of this, of course, is a huge reason why I chose to move there.

I'm so excited, in fact, that I started early. It's not feasible for me to go to full time bike transportation from my old apartment, but I've taken to bringing my bike to work and using it to run errands from my office. Of course, my last two times out have been less than smooth...witness my torn up leg last week (many thanks to my Pamela's family for letting me patch myself up) and now today, getting nice and drenched in this evening's thunderstorms.

Oh well. There's something bad ass about walking around with a blood-soaked makeshift bandage (still got that haircut goddamit), or realizing there's no point in hurrying because you're gonna get drenched anyway.

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