A time capsule of somewhat narcissistic sheltered navel-gazing, preserved for embarrassing posterity.

Friday, June 29, 2007

I took a vacation day to go shopping?

Yep. I took a vacation day today, and spent most of my hard won freedom shopping in Robinson. Nope, it's not a ridiculous head start on Christmas, it's moving out. There's something weird about walking into a store, asking, "What do I need?" and answering, "Um...pretty much everything."

Indeed, four months after the breakup that hit everyone else a lot harder than it hit us, this is the second time in five years that I've re-outfitted my entire existence. Well, that's not entirely fair this time around; I do have a fair amount of stuff. Last time, I pretty much had my clothes, $50, and my job...and shortly thereafter a credit card bill. This time is not nearly so start-from-scratch.

But it makes me think--these days, wedding registries and housewarming parties are useless. When two people get hitched, they likely already live together and have their place furnished, or live on their own and have two of everything. What we really need are breakup registries, because THAT's when someone needs to buy everything under the sun. Maybe I'll pitch that idea to Target and Amazon and see what they think.

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