A time capsule of somewhat narcissistic sheltered navel-gazing, preserved for embarrassing posterity.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

I'm Not Dead Yet

...I feel happy!!! I feel happy!!!!

For all the times I thought I was busy before, but still had time to post once a week or two, the last two months have been quite the joke on me.

But, I'm almost done. My last "real" final is tomorrow, then next Monday I have a kinda-final, which counts for 20% of that class (compared to the other finals, which are 100% of their classes).

So I figured, while I'm whittling away the final days, the following tribute would be a good way to try to relate the last nine months of my life to you.

To compare me to the video:
- Haircuts come few and far between; I'm generally much shaggier than I was before. And I bathe less. I do still USUALLY brush my teeth every day, unless I'm running late that morning.

- My computer is in fact broken (the keyboard doesn't work, I have to use an external one), but it's a Mac, not a Dell. (If it was a Dell it would probably be smoking right now.) It looks hokey, but the external one was cheaper than fixing it. The only truly annoying thing is answering questions about it.

- I haven't lived on mashed potatoes - my cuisine has mostly been generic Mac n Cheese with a can of tuna thrown in, usually made without milk (milk is expensive, and it goes bad). Stretch one box into two meals, and you've got under 75¢ a meal, baby! And oatmeal for breakfast - do you realize how cheap oatmeal is?! Cereal has become too rich for my blood - 8¢ per meal vs. 50¢? No contest.

(In the interests of full disclosure, for the last few weeks I've discovered that the oatmeal is really good when you make it with milk, so I've been sucking it up and spending the $1.50 for a half gallon each week, thereby having milk for the Mac n Cheese, too.)