A time capsule of somewhat narcissistic sheltered navel-gazing, preserved for embarrassing posterity.

Friday, June 13, 2008


I haven't posted in a while...no, it's not because I've been in mourning over the Pens. Honestly, any post-season where the boys manhandle the team that killed them last year, the Rangers, AND the Flyers...well, that's a fabulous post-season in my book.

I've run up against my first truly personally-heart-string-pulling case at PetCo this week, Leda. This poor girl was surrendered by people who had her for four years, "Because they had a baby." Not that she didn't like the baby, or was mean to it, or started peeing everywhere because of it, just that they had one. The sad part is that when they gave her up, they knew she was a shy cat, prone to being scared. Well, this poor girl has been absolutely terrified from day one with us. She doesn't have an ounce of mean in her, but she has plenty of scared.

She's starting to relax a little--when her cage door is closed and the store is quiet, she comes up to the door for all the loving you can give. But as soon as you open the door or try to pick her up, she panics. It's killing me. I wish there was some magic wand I could waive to let her know that she's safe...whatever she may have gone through to make her this way, she's safe now. Of all the great cats I've met in the few months I've worked there, this is the first one that has really made me wish I could take someone home. From day one when I picked her up and she let me trim her claws even though she was shaking like a leaf, she had me good. If there was any way humanly possible for me to get another cat, I'd do it in a heartbeat, but it's just out of the realm of possibility right now.


So...if anyone out there knows of someone who is kind and patient and would love to give this poor, terrified sweetheart a place where she will be safe and loved, send them this way!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I wish I had room for her! She's such a great cat.

(((hugs))) for Leda!