A time capsule of somewhat narcissistic sheltered navel-gazing, preserved for embarrassing posterity.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Chick Peas - They're Neither Chicks, nor Peas. Discuss.

I'm getting the feeling that the next month or so would be a LOT easier if I could just quit my regular job now.

The move to Philly progresses. One big step seems to have been taken care of, in that I've found (hope hope) a good potential roomie. Which has a lot of plusses...personal comfort being the highest on there. Plus not having to figure out what to do with all my stuff, and not feeling completely like I'm a guest in someone else's home.

Wow, I just realized I'm not even writing in complete sentences at this point. Wahoo.

So now all I need is an apartment to move into. Details! Oh yeah, and a new computer. I found out last week that Temple's exam security software only runs on native Windows, and I'll be damned if I'm letting Windows gunk up my Mac. So yippee...off to find the cheapest laptop available that I think will last me three years. Because, y'know, I had an extra few hundred dollars I didn't really want anymore.

Really, I'm not as bitter as I sound. Just scatter-brained!

But hey, queers are getting married in California today!!! *happy dance*

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yay, California! And YAY!! to one of the first couples married -- eighty-somethings who have been together for 50 years.