A time capsule of somewhat narcissistic sheltered navel-gazing, preserved for embarrassing posterity.

Saturday, October 13, 2007

Glasses! and More

About a month after I ordered them, I finally got my new glasses in. Which is nice because now, y'know, I can work on the computer without my eyes going buggy and causing an awesome headache within 15 minutes. This is a very good thing. Excellent thing.

Anyway, it's been a good couple of weeks since I posted last. The Ice Maidens started back up last weekend; both classes look to be a lot of fun this year. Some new faces in the beginners class to learn, and it was great to see the old familiar faces back from last year. Funny though, thanks to the 80-degree weather, the rink was so foggy you couldn't see either net from center ice.

And of course, exploring new things and new feelings with LT. No deep and meaningful things to expound upon about that in this public forum. Just that she makes me smile.


Anonymous said...

A month after you ordered them and about two weeks after you needed them [for the LSATs]!

Smiling is good. Keep doing it!

Anonymous said...

A month after you ordered them and about two weeks after you needed them [for the LSATs]!

Smiling is good. Keep doing it!

Anonymous said...

WTF!? It posted double. I think there's been too much cat-action on my keyboard. Things aren't working quite right!

L said...
