A time capsule of somewhat narcissistic sheltered navel-gazing, preserved for embarrassing posterity.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010


If you are working with a team of people, especially if you have asked them to work with you on a project that will end up requiring much more of their time than they anticipated lending to you, be respectful of their time, and follow through on your responsibilities to them. Otherwise, people end up having days like I have had so far today.

[Quick backstory:
I am helping organize a rather large event at my school, a 3-day symposium with most of the top names in the academic field it relates to, with over 300 400 550 registered participants (which keeps going up because they did not put a deadline or cap on registration), about 100 volunteers, and about 200 presenters. My primary job is Cat Herding...aka Volunteer Coordination. This means that it's my job to keep tabs on what volunteers are supposed to be where, where more volunteers are needed, and to relate to volunteers what/where/when/how they are supposed to do things. This is all based on instructions, needs, requests, etc. given to me by people managing the various different aspects of the symposium. Today is Wednesday. The symposium starts tomorrow.]

Back to my day thus far:
After being up late last night working, I dragged myself to campus for an 8:00 symposium breakfast meeting and a later--unrelated--lunch meeting. Both of these meetings ended up being canceled without my knowing until I showed up to empty rooms both times. This meant that I came to campus about 10 hours before I needed to be here, with no food (because food was supposed to be at both meetings). Only one of the 11 other organizers has sent me the instructions for their volunteers in the various areas. I have not heard a peep regarding a job I intensely want for the summer, despite being told to check in with them if I had not heard anything by yesterday. (Which I did. Yesterday.) Nobody has replied to numerous questions and concerns I have sent out about this and other aspects of the symposium, despite one of them explicitly asking if we could meet this afternoon. In about 5 hours, I am training anywhere from 10 to 100 volunteers, except I don't really have anything to train them on.

And a bird dribbled poop on my head. And it's only 2:00.

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