A time capsule of somewhat narcissistic sheltered navel-gazing, preserved for embarrassing posterity.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Rain, Rain

I'm sitting up in the Tower Reading Room in the library, in a work cubby thing next to a window, listening to and watching a pretty decent rain storm. I can't quite tell if the rain is making me peaceful or a bit melancholy, or maybe it's just putting me into a slower pace, which can lead to a bit of both. Certainly, it's hearkening me back to pre-California times in my life, where sitting and listening to rain was a much more common event than it is out here. And that is certainly an occurence that has upsides and downsides.

The semester has been spectacularly insane. I would say that it's all I can do to keep my head above water, except I don't feel like I am keeping my head above water. In order for me to do everything that school requires right now, I feel like I would have to quite literally cut out ALL non-essential school things...and I just can't do that. So, I'm doing what I can.

Readings have been much heavier this semester than last, and the pace of our legal writing skills papers has been much more brisk. On top of that we're in the midst of job searches for the summer, which is simultaneously exciting, excruciating, stressful, exhilerating, but most of all time consuming. I have four interviews on Saturday (yes, FOUR), and really hope that one of them pans out sooner rather than later, so I can relax on that end. Plus there are scholarships and financial aid for next year to apply for (ugh, FAFSA), and the extra-curricular activities certainly don't cease to exist at this time of year. Extra-curricular, yes. Non-essential to my happiness with law school? Absolutely not.

And I think I'm dating someone, too. I seem to recall this.

That's not to say that things are all bad. Busy? Yes. Stressful? Yes. Constant guilt for all the friends and family that I've not been keeping up correspondence with? Yes. Overloaded brain to the point of becoming stupid in some regards? Yes. But also fulfilled, excited, and still absolutely positive that I made the right choice.

Case in point, the summer job search. Applying to all these different organizations just kicks my brain into high gear at the thought of the myriad worthwhile, positive work I will get to do. It's somewhat anxiety-inducing when I'm thinking of a few certain organizations that I really want to get a position at, but even if those at the top of my list don't pan out, the total picture is like a do-gooder's buffet. I'm extremely confident that no matter what organization I end up at, it will be fulfilling and amazing.

Certainly, way more so than my old basement cube. I might miss the 'Burgh, but not that particular piece of the 'Burgh.


Anonymous said...

you're dating someone now? You should've told me that before & saved me time

and in terms of dumbening:

I walked out of my apt without my phone this morning.

I walked out of work without my wallet this afternoon.

I walked out of my apt without my wallet this evening.

[5pts for placing "dumbening"]

Anonymous said...

I know you are probably too busy to notice (interviews, memos/briefs, studying, relationship, etc.) but I really hate it when football season is over. Granted this one ended way better than I anticipated, but I could really used some football.
Now that the Penguins are in turmoil, a little Steeler pulling a win out at the last possible moment would really lift the spirits.

I hope things are well. I can't wait to hear how the summer job search concludes.