A time capsule of somewhat narcissistic sheltered navel-gazing, preserved for embarrassing posterity.

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Things I've Learned During My First Law School Finals Period

- It's really cruel that the greatest learning resource and the greatest source of procrastination are found in the same place, namely your laptop.
- I work a lot better with headphones, rather than just music playing from speakers.
- I don't work at all if there's no noise.
- I don't regret the decisions I made through the course of the semester to work on the No on 8 campaign as much as I did.
- That being said, those decisions are probably going to affect my grades.
- When crunched for time, practice exams are way more important than memorizing more minutiae. Minutiae do you no good when you run out of time to write them down.
- The keycode to get into the bathroom at the Starbucks at Pico and Rimpeau is 1-2-3-4. Omar the barista told it to me.
- I'm eight years older than when I graduated from college, and I can't get away with hardly any sleep like I used to.
- This needing-to-sleep thing is VERY inconvenient.
- Sometimes, other people's past outlines just suck.
- Someone will look at my outline down the road and think it sucks.
- Buying the spring semester books during the fall semester finals period gives you first dibs on finding the used books in the best shape.
- This law school shit is hard!
- No matter how you feel about how you did on the exam, you have absolutely no way of knowing how your exam rates in the larger context of everyone else's exams.
- The Pens win if I listen to them online while I'm at the dining room table, but not if I listen to them online while I'm on the couch.
- Law school exams are the first time I've truly felt mentally hit by an A-bomb after a test.


sunlion said...

You already bought ur books? Cheeater!!! I am with you on the lap top -- I triedt ogiv eup Facebook for 24 hours and when I went to log back in, it had only been 21 ;(.

Noe instead of studying someone's crappy outline, I wil worry about whether or not I should go and get my books.

CT said...

I mean, it's not like I'm poring over them ahead of time! I bought two from the bookstore like that--really good used ones. The others I ordered new online for about what the bookstore is charging for used. Only catch is I hope there's no problems with horrible shipping during the holidays.

By all means--keep studying the crappy outline!