A time capsule of somewhat narcissistic sheltered navel-gazing, preserved for embarrassing posterity.

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Pet Peeve #43: JB Robinson

Ah yes, it's the holidays again, which means the J.B. Robinson jeweler ads are out in full force.  The same ones they've had for years...the video looks older and fuzzier than the TV rerun of The Hunt for Red October that I'm currently watching.  For the record, no she didn't find his secret hiding place, yes he was still able to surprise her after all these years, and amazingly enough, he still was never worried about the earrings/bracelet/necklace/whatever.

At least the one where the guy puts the necklace on his wife while she's sleeping and then pretends to be asleep when she wakes up is sweet and endearing.  Much more romantic than the Rick Santorum lookalike and that horribly awkward hug the couple gives each other at the end.  And the song in the other one is way better.


Anonymous said...

I find the one where she is sleeping to be quite stalkery.

I've always found that watching some one sleep thing to be really creepy.


CT said...

I see what you mean, but sneaking around the house devising a surprise for someone when they're sleeping is kind of cute. And the look on his face as he's trying not to smile when she rolls over is adorable.

Hmm...although something tells me the phrase "sneaking around the house" isn't going to help convince you on this one...

Anonymous said...

You are right. There is no convincing me otherwise.

Creepy, creepy, creepy...

Anonymous said...

Creepy... with an earworm song. *shudder*